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What actions can I perform from the ‘My Learning’ section?
- Launch the option to launch the content.
- Join the option to join the ‘Attend – Remote’, class.
- Share the option to share the class with other learners.
- Bookmark option that lets you bookmark the class for future reference.
- ‘More’ option, clicking on which will take you to the details page of that class and you can see even more information about this class.
- ‘Pre-test’ option, clicking on which will launch the pre-test content in the content player.
- Change class option, clicking on which will take you to the class details page, wherein you can choose another class instead of the already enrolled one.
- The Cancel enrollment option, lets you cancel your enrollment for that class.
- Take the Assessment option, clicking on which will launch the assessment in the content player and you may take up the assessment and complete the course.
- Take the Survey option clicking on which will launch the survey page in the content player and lets you to provide your feedback on the class.
- Clicking on the ‘Title’ will also redirect you to the details page of the class and you can view the entire details about the class.
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