Yes. Go to the course details page. Under the ‘All Classes’ section, if there are more than 5 Attend-In Person/Attend-Remote classes, the classes will be listed in the Calendar view. Else, it will be displayed in the ‘List’ view. Below are the steps to be followed to view the classes in the calendar view:

  1. When there are more than 5 Attend-In Person/Attend-Remote classes, the ‘Calendar of Events’ table will be displayed.
  2. This lists the number of classes by month and by location chosen in the filter.
  3. In the filter, by default preferred location and language will be selected. You may enter the date range and it should be within the 6 months’ time period.
  4. If no date range is selected in the filter window, by default from the current month up to 6 months period will be considered and the classes scheduled in these 6 months will be displayed.
  5. Attend-Remote classes will also be displayed in this table, by month.
  6. Clicking on the number of classes for a location and month in the ‘Calendar of Events’ table will open up the calendar and the date on which the classes scheduled for the selected location will be highlighted.
  7. Clicking on a particular date will list all the classes scheduled on that date for the selected location.
  8. To view all the classes scheduled in a month, click on the number corresponding to location ‘All’ for a month, in the ‘Calendar of Events’ table.