Enhance Your Team’s Performance with L&D Training
Learning and development training programs not only enhance employees’ job experience but also improve a company’s overall productivity, innovation, and effectiveness. While L&D training was once seen as a luxury, it has become necessary for companies looking to stay competitive.
According to Statista, the global workplace learning and development market was valued at $74.3 billion in 2021, with an expected growth rate of 18.8% between 2021 and 2028. From a managerial perspective, the importance of performance cannot be overstated, as L&D training is a crucial tool for achieving optimal performance levels. In a survey of 1,500 managers from 50 organizations, 75% expressed dissatisfaction with their company’s L&D function, and 70% of employees reported not having mastery of the skills needed for their jobs.
From onboarding to reskilling, companies are finding new ways to leverage L&D training to improve their workforce’s skills and competencies. But how exactly does L&D training impact performance, and what tools do companies need to maximize its potential?
McKinsey identifies several essential components of a successful learning and development strategy, including aligning L&D with business goals, tailoring development programs to the needs of different employee groups, and using technology to personalize learning experiences. The best way to incorporate all of those components into one easy-to-manage L&D program? A digital LMS software.
Types of learning and development training
Learning and development training includes employee, customer, sales team, and partner training and can refer to both in-person and online training. In short, L&D training is every type of corporate learning program. However, there are a few specific learning and development training types that contribute to your team’s performance at work. Here are three to consider.
Onboarding training
Effective onboarding training is crucial for setting the stage for an employee’s success and engagement within a company because they help new hires become productive and engaged in their new roles as quickly as possible.
L&D training can play a significant role in facilitating a smooth onboarding process. By providing new employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job duties, L&D training can help reduce turnover rates and improve employee engagement. Furthermore, onboarding training can help new hires feel more connected to the company culture and their new colleagues, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and better long-term performance.
A Gallup study showed that while only 12% of employees felt their company did a great job with onboarding, those employees were nearly three times as likely to say they have the best possible job. Only 29% of new hires felt prepared and supported to excel in their new role. That’s a lot of room for improvement.
Gallup also found that when managers take an active role in onboarding, employees are 3.4 times as likely to strongly agree their onboarding experience was exceptional. The best way for managers to strengthen their onboarding training is through an LMS to streamline the process, track new hires’ training progress, and reduce training time overall.
When leveraging a digital LMS for onboarding training, new employees and team members can access all of the documents, resources, and training tools they need from a single platform or product. With our integrated LMS reporting tool, managers can determine which courses have not yet been completed and where employees may need more information. This helps managers build focused courses that answer employees’ most critical onboarding questions as they join your team. By investing in effective onboarding L&D training, companies can set the foundation for long-term success and productivity.
Compliance training
Compliance training management is essential to corporate governance and ensures that employees follow company policies and procedures. It helps companies avoid legal and financial risks and maintain their reputation in the market.
Learning and development training plays a critical role in educating employees on compliance requirements and reducing the risk of non-compliance. By providing comprehensive and engaging training on regulatory requirements, companies can ensure that their employees understand the importance of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance.
Successful integration of compliance training means employees can access and complete training easily. The ExpertusONE digital LMS offers apps for popular workplace software like Slack LMS, Microsoft Teams, and Salesforce LMS so teams can access compliance training in a variety of ways without leaving their preferred workspace.
Compliance management is critical to ensure that companies comply with regulations and maintain their reputation. L&D training plays a crucial role in educating employees on compliance requirements and reducing the risk of non-compliance.
Reskilling training
PwC emphasizes the urgency of upskilling and reskilling the workforce to bridge the global skills gap—and a Statista survey notes that only 31% of organization respondents reported that their talent strategy is wholly aligned with their business strategy in 2022.
With technological advancements and shifting industry demands, employees must continually update their skills to remain relevant and effective. Learning and development training can play a critical role in facilitating reskilling efforts and ensuring that employees have the skills they need to succeed in their roles.
Identifying skills gaps is the first step in developing effective reskilling programs. Companies can use a variety of tools, such as employee surveys and performance evaluations, to identify areas where employees may need additional training. By identifying these gaps, companies can develop targeted learning and development training programs that address specific skill deficiencies and ensure that employees have the skills they need to excel in their roles.
In order to fully reap the benefits of reskilling, managers need to prioritize data quality and analytics, as poor data quality can lead to costly mistakes and hinder decision-making processes. By using real-time analytics and insights and other data sets available in easy-to-generate reports, leaders can gain insights into employee preferences and career goals, enabling them to design more effective reskilling programs and achieve greater success in retaining and developing their workforce.
Identifying and setting performance goals
Setting performance goals is a crucial aspect of achieving success in any organization. Performance goals provide a clear direction and focus for both employees and managers, helping them to achieve their targets efficiently and effectively.
Performance goals can be set for individual employees, teams, or the entire organization, depending on the business needs. They can be related to various aspects such as sales targets, customer service standards, project completion timelines, and other key performance indicators.
Measuring performance and setting goals is easy in a digital LMS, but what happens when employees need in-person training, such as fieldwork experience or on-the-job training, mentoring, and skills supervision? Managers can use our Observation Checklist LMS feature to automate the review and management of any in-person training.
Using a digital checklist of tasks, managers, instructors or mentors can conveniently observe a learner’s progress and accurately assess their mastery of skills, including identifying areas where employees need more training, demonstrating compliance and capabilities to executives and regulatory agencies, and creating baselines for employee development and advancement.
Identifying gaps in learning
Companies can use performance evaluations and feedback to identify areas where employees need additional training or development. By providing targeted learning and development training to fill these gaps, employees can improve their performance and achieve their goals more effectively.
Performance evaluations provide employees with feedback on their performance, highlighting areas where they need improvement. Based on this feedback, companies can provide targeted learning and development training to address the gaps and help employees develop their skills. For example, employee training that involves social learning allows employees to connect and collaborate with their peers, mentors, and trainers. An LMS platform with social learning features can provide discussion forums, one-on-one meeting sessions, and other collaborative tools that allow managers to step in and offer real-time feedback and guidance when necessary.
L&D training programs not only enhance employees’ job experience but also improve a company’s overall productivity, innovation, and effectiveness. Managers can streamline learning and development training programs and maximize potential by aligning L&D with business goals, tailoring development programs to the needs of different employee groups, and using technology to personalize learning experiences. By investing in effective L&D training, companies can set the foundation for long-term success and productivity.