Improve Knowledge Retention By Creating Engaging Courses With the ExpertusONE LMS Authoring Tool
“In one ear and out the other.” That’s the worst-case scenario when it comes to corporate training.
Companies that invest in learning and development want knowledge to stick. But no two learners are the same. Some learning strategies will resonate and positively impact team members but fail to engage others. Improving knowledge retention is a multi-step process that companies must build into their training strategies.
The foundation of any modern training strategy is the technology used to create and distribute it—and it’s also the first place Learning and Development (L&D) professionals should look when determining how to improve knowledge retention. Organizations that use legacy learning platforms will find it challenging to update training with more interactive components, and each adjustment will contribute to versioning and cataloging issues. A digital LMS platform, on the other hand, enables companies to distribute valuable training content in formats that engage their learners—leading to higher rates of retention.
If you are looking to effectively train your employees, partners, customers, and sales teams, the digital experience should be at the top of your mind. Hours and dollars spent on training yield better results when learning content is distributed in an engaging, interactive format.
The ExpertusONE platform was built with interaction and engagement at the core. Our LMS authoring tool enables companies to add interactive elements to their existing and new training courses. Every learner has different training needs. Some prefer auditory learning and enjoy listening to training content. Others engage best with videos. Still, others need interactive elements like quizzes and polls to solidify learning. With the ExpertusONE rapid LMS authoring tool, Interaction Studio, you can do all of this at once—and quickly, too.
What is an authoring tool?
The LMS authoring tool is a component of the ExpertusONE digital LMS software that is used by training managers to add interactive elements to learning content. With the LMS authoring tool, users can create opportunities for microlearning within existing and new courses. Through the Interaction Studio feature, users can upload MP4 files, YouTube or Vimeo links, and audio content, and then add activities to those elements to make them more interactive.
The beauty of a rapid LMS authoring tool is that it does not require any advanced coding skills, so companies can reap the benefits of interactivity without a complex implementation process. With the LMS authoring tool, L&D professionals, managers, and business leaders can track learner progress and identify the impact of training at a granular level.
Who should use a rapid LMS authoring tool?
L&D managers, leaders, administrators, and subject-matter experts should use the enterprise LMS authoring tool for the development and enhancement of courses. Its primary function is to help companies create more engaging and effective courses without hours of back-end development. Managers will appreciate the ease of use that Interaction Studio offers, as well as the variety of training interactions.
What are the benefits of a rapid authoring tool for e-learning?
The primary benefits of the rapid LMS authoring tool are:
- The ability to add interactive elements to training content
- The speed with which courses can be created and updated
For companies looking to distribute training rapidly, an integrated LMS authoring tool is a great example of a feature that supports the growth of a training strategy. Course creation can be streamlined without losing the impact of interactive training strategies. Microlearning is an ongoing trend for digital learning and development, and the rapid LMS authoring tool enables companies to create smaller learning opportunities within larger courses. SMEs, instructional designers, and managers can create new courses or presentations in minutes.
The LMS authoring tool offers multiple interactions to boost engagement. Managers can add text, labels, and images to existing training content to make sure that the most important messages and information stand out. Hyperlinks can be added to content to direct learners to further reading or learning materials. Multiple-choice quizzes boost knowledge retention and ensure that learners understand the course content every step of the way. Managers can also add fill-in-the-blank activities or word scrambles to break up longer training content and add a fun, game-like element to learning.
How do I get the most out of an e-learning authoring tool?
An e-learning authoring tool will be most effective when used to add value to already impactful training courses. Throwing a few interactive elements on a nonessential course will not yield a greater impact. Instead, managers must apply interactive learning components strategically by identifying which courses will benefit from different formats.
For example, highly technical courses with specific information about products or machinery should be supplemented with interactive elements like polls and quizzes to ensure that learners understand and retain that information.
A quiz added at the end of the training course can help learners and managers understand whether the course was effective. Managers can then refer back to this information to understand patterns across groups of learners. Should learners consistently fail at a quiz or get the same question wrong repeatedly, it’s a clear indication that the training should be adjusted.
The ExpertusONE LMS authoring tool is xAPI compliant, which means that any assets created within the tool can be stored in the platform’s native learning record store (LRS) and tracked by managers. This is especially useful for companies looking to track the impact of training at a granular level. Managers and leaders can understand in an instant how impactful training has been, the percentage of course completion, and the topics or questions readers struggle with most.
What are the best uses for a rapid authoring tool for e-learning?
The best use of an LMS authoring tool is to improve the learning experience. The tool was designed to make training more engaging and interesting for learners, so learners’ needs should be at the center of any associated initiative.
Companies can use an LMS authoring tool to:
- Increase training engagement by adding interactive elements to course content.
- Test out different types of course content to determine which formats resonate with learners.
- Quickly create courses so that training is relevant and timely.
- Track learner progress.
- Generate courses on demand through interactive presentations.
How can I engage learners with a corporate learning platform?
Using an LMS authoring tool is an effective way to engage learners with corporate training because it offers interactivity along every step of the training journey. Creating engaging training content is one of the most important ways that companies can boost knowledge retention and encourage employees to make the most out of their training and upskilling opportunities. Managers, SMEs, and instructional designers should take advantage of ExpertusONE’s built-in authoring tool to add interesting elements to courses.
There is an increasing demand in the corporate learning and development world for microlearning opportunities. An LMS authoring tool gives training managers the ability to break up complex, lengthy training content into digestible chunks so that learners can build their understanding piece by piece. By creating opportunities for interaction and engagement on each step of the learning journey, companies can boost knowledge retention and bolster engagement with training. This will equip team members to be more effective in their roles and provide them with the upskilling opportunities they are looking for in their work.
Looking for an LMS platform with a built-in authoring tool? ExpertusONE is your best pick. Contact us today for a free demo to see our LMS authoring tool in action.