Collaborative learning is a people-centric approach to corporate training that can boost engagement, improve knowledge retention, and yield better learning and development outcomes. Where, historically, corporate training was an isolated and even monotonous process, collaborative learning offers a new way to experience and think about digital training. Coaching and collaborative learning infuse purpose, meaning, and interaction into the training experience.

But the value of coaching and collaborative learning goes far beyond improving the employee’s experience of the program. It can also improve a company’s training ROI, illuminate where learning gaps may exist, and help managers create more effective training programs.

At the foundation of all of this is training technology. A digital LMS software enables companies to deliver coaching and collaborative learning experiences to a large network of stakeholders, including employees, sales teams, partners, and customers.

Looking to encourage more interaction and collaboration in your corporate training program? Here’s how.

What is collaborative learning?

Collaborative learning is a shared learning strategy in which team members learn together. It can take on multiple forms and be distributed in the digital space or in person. In a collaborative learning environment, participants can learn from their peers, managers, and company leaders. This strategy is different from asynchronous or individual learning strategies, where the participant primarily works through courses alone. With collaborative learning, the team shares a common training goal and works through training together. Group training is one example of collaborative learning, but the concept still applies in smaller settings—like one-on-one coaching sessions.

What is coaching in learning and development?

In the context of corporate learning and development, coaching is typically a one-on-one training session during which a learner meets with someone who is more experienced to learn and practice a specific skill. It’s a specific type of collaborative learning. The most common example of coaching in corporate settings is sales coaching. On a regular basis, sales personnel will meet with managers or more experienced representatives to practice sales strategies, rehearse pitches, and get direct feedback about their performance.

Boost training engagement through collaborative learning

Collaborative learning not only makes training more enjoyable for individual learners; it’s also proven to improve knowledge retention. A 2013 study found that active learning—specifically, discussion-based learning—improved knowledge retention over purely lecture-based learning. In the corporate learning space, discussion-based training can help learners engage with content more actively and collaborate when studying challenging topics.

Equipping your team with a digital learning management system that creates opportunities for collaboration, whether in person or online, is essential. LMS app integrations for frequently used workplace platforms like a Slack LMS integration and Microsoft Teams can encourage learners to engage with their peers while training.

Introducing a competitive culture into the learning environment is another way to boost engagement. With LMS gamification features, companies can connect training goals to company values and reward learners for engaging with training and completing learning goals.

Connect learners to their peers and managers through a digital LMS

One critical component of the collaborative learning puzzle is the relationship between learners and their managers. Managers must be able to assign relevant learning courses, follow up on learning plans, and answer questions as they arise. Learners, likewise, need to be able to reach out to managers to determine the next steps needed for training.

An enterprise LMS is a central system through which companies can manage learner experiences and distribute essential information. To connect learners to their peers and managers during the training process, the LMS must be built with interaction in mind. The ExpertusONE LMS platform was designed with a Collaboration Hub to facilitate engaged and connected learning in the digital space. From the Collaboration Hub page, learners can access shared training resources, participate in learning cohorts, and connect with their peers and managers.

For managers, facilitating a collaborative and community-oriented learning environment can be a heavy lift. With multiple sets of learners and different learning types, managers need a way to effectively distribute training content and resources to individual learners efficiently and without sacrificing the benefits of a personalized learning experience. With the ExpertusONE LMS, artificial intelligence is used to personalize the learning experience, provide learners with individualized course recommendations, and ensure that the training they are assigned is aligned with their needs and goals. This way, managers can connect with their teams and connect them to essential training without additional administrative hours.

Team up to set training goals and identify objectives

The best way to motivate team members to complete training is to identify and set training goals that are relevant, actionable, and measurable. But each learner will have different needs, and it can be challenging for managers to determine which skills must be mastered and whether or not training has been sufficient. The ExpertusONE LMS platform offers an Observation/Skills Checklist feature which helps managers and learners alike identify areas for improvement and then track progress after training plans are implemented.

It’s this type of collaboration—identifying and setting goals—that can motivate learners to measure their progress and take an active role in their skills development at work. Companies can put the power back in the hands of their employees by equipping them with the tools that are essential for creating meaningful learning plans and achieving training success.

Get the most out of coaching sessions

Training in the form of coaching sessions can fast-track a learner’s progress in a specific area because the feedback and training they are receiving is tailored to their individual needs. A manager or peer can provide input in real-time through a coaching session—whether in person or online—using a live video conference feature, and the learner can adjust immediately. But, in many cases, the challenges addressed in coaching sessions apply to multiple learners within the company. Learning through observation and teaching by demonstration is a powerful way to drive a concept home.

With ExpertusONE’s LMS meetings feature, managers and learners can conduct one-on-one training sessions to go over essential concepts or resources. The LMS platform can record these sessions and, when the session is complete, convert the video asset into a new course that will live on the LMS platform. From there, additional learners can watch the course and gain insights from their peer’s training experience. Managers can even go back and add interactive elements to these video-based sessions (like polls or quizzes) to improve engagement and retention.

Collaborative learning and coaching are two strategies that companies can employ to boost knowledge retention, create more impactful learning plans, and increase team member engagement. An LMS platform is an essential tool for creating collaborative learning environments in the digital space. Instead of requiring learners to complete coursework on their own or work through a library or training assignments without input, companies can use digital training technology to make learning a community experience.

With the ExpertusONE LMS platform, companies can connect learners to their peers and managers, and create more robust training programs that leave room for engaging experiences like coaching sessions, competitive learning, and goal setting.

Ready to implement collaborative learning strategies at your company using our digital LMS? Contact us for a free demo.