Here’s how the ExpertusONE LMS platform serves the manufacturing industry
A considerable skills gap is facing the manufacturing industry. According to a report from Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, the manufacturing industry will see 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. Even further, two in five manufacturing companies (43%) have an annual turnover rate of 20% or more, leaving companies with roles to fill and an increasing need for training.
Which industry has been more impacted by digitalization than manufacturing, where automation, digital processes, and new technologies directly impact the function of skilled workers in that space? According to a report from Google Cloud, 76% of manufacturers are already turning to technologies like AI, data analytics, and the cloud. The manufacturing field is rapidly changing, and companies must equip their team members with the tools necessary to onboard, reskill, and upskill.
In order for these training initiatives to be effective, organizations must leverage digital training technology to support learning needs. Many manufacturing companies support large teams of employees or partners with specialized skills in different areas. One company may have many technicians with different specialties or with assignments to specific features or products. Training a large network of qualified team members, partners, and even customers requires a variety of courses and training plans.
A digital LMS platform is the best choice for manufacturing companies looking to streamline the training process for large teams, boost engagement, and manage compliance rules and industry regulations.
Extended enterprise training via an LMS enables manufacturing organizations to train channel partners to use tools, systems, and technologies.
Extended enterprise training for manufacturing companies can drive revenue, encourage meaningful channel partner relationships, and create better customer experiences. Extended enterprise training drives business outcomes and increases the reach of the brand. In the manufacturing industry, examples of extended enterprise training include courses for channel partners, customers, and other stakeholders. This may look like training for a specific product or feature or comprehensive training courses about the function of a machine or system.
Related reading:Four Ways to Leverage an LMS to Elevate Your Extended Enterprise Training
In our work with a global manufacturing organization, training for channel partners was a critical driver of business success. When the pandemic hit in 2020, the organization needed a rapid implementation of digital training technology so that they could continue to train channel partners to use their products safely. With the ExpertusONE LMS platform, the organization was able to leverage extended enterprise training in a digital environment and train partners online to ensure safety.
Features like artificial intelligence and machine learning come together to deliver personalized learning experiences, which means that a large network of partners can still receive relevant training that is specific to their needs (instead of filtering through an endless library of courses).
Interactive training and knowledge checks ensure maximum safety during product and machine use.
Manufacturing training content can be complex, heavy, and extremely detailed. Understandably so. Manufacturing equipment requires multiple safety checks and a thorough understanding of the system’s function in order to ensure safe operations. Manufacturing companies are constantly implementing new technologies and processes, whether to improve productivity or to keep on pace with industry trends (like AI adoption). Knowledge checks are essential in this context, and LMS software makes engaging knowledge checks possible.
Our platform’s Interaction Studio rapid LMS authoring tool feature enables training managers to implement knowledge checks throughout courses to ensure that learners understand the key points of the training. With the addition of videos, audio files, polls, and quizzes, learners in the manufacturing industry can ensure that they understand the finite details of a product or system. In a highly technical field like manufacturing, interactive training content—enabled through an LMS platform—breaks down highly detailed information into digestible pieces.
Keep a record of compliance and safety information to ensure workplace safety and reduce accidents.
Certifications, data reporting, and compliance management are critical components of the manufacturing industry—to reduce the number of accidents on site and ensure team safety. Team members must be certified to operate select machines or equipped to train others. For partners that distribute the company’s product, training is essential—they must be able to equip the end-user with essential information about the form and function of the technology.
With the ExpertusONE LMS platform, organizational leaders can easily track, manage, and report essential compliance information and adhere to stringent regulations under the EPA, OSHA, and FDA. A clear picture of the organization’s overall compliance status (for every team member) is easily available through the platform’s Insights LMS reporting and analytics feature.
These reports are not only valuable for ensuring organizational safety and compliance status, but they can also reveal training patterns. Should learners struggle to achieve certain compliance goals or opt not to take specific training courses, leaders can address this lack of engagement by looking for patterns and adjusting accordingly.
Verify or share certifications with the ONE-Profile Card.
Manufacturing companies may be responsible for teams that travel to different sites or leverage the expertise of contractors in certain contexts. Skills verification is essential in these scenarios to ensure maximum safety and validate that training has been completed. With the ONE-Profile Card, learners and managers alike can track, verify, and share certifications. A single scan of the QR code populates the screen with the learner’s certifications.
In a technical field like manufacturing (a field with a growing skills gap), the ONE-Profile Card gives confidence to managers and leaders when new team members are sent their way. Skills are easily verified, and compliance information is readily available. From the individual’s perspective, the ONE-Profile Card ensures that they can prove themselves credible to achieve the work assigned.
Train stakeholders in varying contexts, from digital learning to instructor-led training and trade shows.
The ExpertusONE LMS offers companies a medium through which to train stakeholders in a variety of contexts. Yes, the platform enables digital training, but it can also be used to track and report on in-person training initiatives or events. E-learning, virtual courses, instructor-led training, and microlearning are all possible with the LMS platform. The application also functions on desktop or mobile devices, giving learners even more flexibility in the training process.
One of our clients, a large-scale manufacturing organization, traditionally trained stakeholders through in-person events like trade shows. During the pandemic, when events of this kind shut down, digital training became essential. They looked to ExpertusONE to provide an enterprise LMS that could bridge the gap in the meantime by offering digital training, but still be beneficial when trade shows made their return. The ExpertusONE LMS offers the flexibility that modern organizations require.
Extensible applications for Slack, Salesforce, and Microsoft Teams streamline safety training requirements.
The ExpertusONE LMS platform has apps for Slack LMS integration, Salesforce LMS integration, and Microsoft Teams so that companies can train and equip employees in the flow of work. This is a game-changer for large-scale organizations with wide networks of learners (both employees and external stakeholders). With extensible apps, learners are able to access courses, take training, and receive notifications and alerts about compliance within the apps they already use for other business-critical functions.
The Salesforce application, for example, enables companies to tie sales objectives to customer training initiatives—maximizing the value of the customer training experience and generating a greater ROI. With these LMS apps, companies can tie together essential business functions to create a cohesive digital experience that supports teams and enables better learning experiences.
The ExpertusONE LMS platform supports manufacturing companies as a next-generation training technology with support for large networks of teams in highly technical roles. The LMS platform adapts to each company’s needs and can serve a variety of learners. Whether the manufacturing organization requires support for in-person training or digital training technology, the ExpertusONE LMS platform adds value to the learner’s experience.
Looking for more information about how the ExpertusONE LMS platform can serve your organization’s training needs? Contact us today for a free demo.