6 Reasons Why an LMS Platform Is the Best Sales Enablement Technology
Sales enablement is, in a nutshell, the process of equipping your sales team with everything they need in order to do their jobs. For most companies and sales teams, this means access to resources, training, and essential information about the product or service that they’ll be selling.
An LMS platform is one of the best sales enablement tools available because it streamlines learning and ensures that the sales team gets a unified experience. By providing your entire sales team with useful resources, best practices, strategic courses, and information to provide to prospective clients, you are equipping them to generate higher-quality leads and close more sales. Sales enablement through an LMS platform also helps create better buyer experiences. When sales teams are equipped and ready with bonus materials, answers to questions, and additional resources, they can easily answer prospects’ questions and offer information quickly.
Here are six reasons why an LMS is the best tool for sales enablement.
Six Reasons An LMS Is The Best Tool For Sales Enablement
1. An LMS enables learning anytime, anywhere.
Sales teams are often traveling to meet new clients, working from specific regions, or spending a considerable amount of time outside of the office. Traditional, in-office training strategies and resources will not be helpful for teams who work from a variety of locations. They need access to training materials no matter where they are located, so they can complete training, earn new certifications, manage compliance requirements, and reference resources whenever they need them. A digital LMS platform makes training accessible anytime and from any location so that sales teams have all of the resources they need to succeed.
For example, the ExpertusONE mobile LMS application enables sales teams to complete training courses while they are away from their desks. With the app, they can download courses and complete the training offline, and their progress will automatically sync when they reconnect to the internet. This comes in handy for sales team members who spend part of their workday in transit—on a train or a plane, for instance—enabling them to make the most of their travel time.
2. Training resources and courses are always available.
Unlike traditional in-person training, digital training makes it possible for learners to reference courses even after they have completed them. This means that learners are constantly equipped (as long as they have access to a mobile device or a computer) with a wealth of training resources, insights, and strategies, all from a single platform.
While information retention is a critical part of sales enablement, no learner is perfect. Sales team members may need to reference training information to confirm details about a product or service so that they can explain it to a prospect on a call, or they may need to research information to answer a customer’s email.
With the ExpertusONE LMS software, companies can take advantage of complex versioning features that identify which versions of training content each learner has taken. This way, sales teams, and training managers can ensure that the same courses are taken by every team member. Companies may need to adjust, update, or edit courses over time and create versions that have new messaging or marketing terms. In order to maintain unity across the sales team and other departments, companies must ensure that all learners are taking the same courses and are aligned with the same information.
3. Search features make it easy to find essential information.
Instead of filtering through document after document of notes taken during in-person or in-office training sessions, learners can easily search a digital LMS course library to find the information that they need. Companies with robust resource libraries can ensure that their teams have access to essential information about the product or service, further unifying their sales teams.
Research from Gartner found that, within one week, sales reps in the B2B space forget 70% of the information they learned. Within a month, sales reps forget 87% of what they learned. How can sales teams operate effectively if they only have access to 13% of the information they learned in training? They can’t. That’s why sales teams need access to essential information while they are out on the job.
With an enterprise LMS platform, they can easily search and reference a training document when they need more information to share with a client. Having immediate answers for prospects is proven to build trust and can even shorten the sales funnel.
4. AI reduces wasted time by providing targeted recommendations.
The biggest complaint about digital training is often related to relevance: learners don’t want to take courses that aren’t relevant to their work or their learning needs. In McKinsey & Company’s analysis of the future of B2B sales, the organization said that outperforming B2Bs will adapt their training models to have clear learning roadmaps for individual team members. In short, if companies want their sales teams to become outperformers, they must equip sales with personalized learning experiences.
Artificial intelligence makes personalization possible and helps learners get access to the training that is most relevant to their needs. With the ExpertusONE LMS platform, learners are served with course recommendations based on their job title, interests, courses taken, and the courses that their peers are taking. This is an easy and automated way for large companies to distill essential training information down to what is most important for the sales team. Sales will be served with relevant training materials instead of spending time filtering through a large course library to find the information they need.
5. Continuous sales training is possible with an LMS.
A dynamic LMS platform makes it possible to maintain continuous sales team training. According to Gartner, sales enablement should be a continuous process—not simply an annual workshop. Sales teams need to be trained, re-trained, and constantly equipped with relevant and updated resources. Sales enablement should not be limited to the onboarding process or even the off-season when sales may slow and team members have more time on their hands. It should be a constant stream of better information and resources that help sales become more effective. With an LMS platform, training is available all the time, and learners can access it on an as-needed basis.
Similarly, training managers, company leaders, and marketing teams can provide new courses, updated training information, and added materials at any time in the learning process. Managers can provide new information easily by creating new courses or amending existing courses. This ensures that every team member has access to the best and most recent information. Continuous training ensures that your sales team will be effective and prepared for their interactions with clients.
6. An LMS shortens the path from learning to sales.
An LMS is the best sales enablement technology because it shortens the path from learning to sales. With a digital LMS, sales teams can easily access essential information, reference resources while they are on the job, and constantly train and retrain so that they stay competitive in their fields. The best thing companies can do for their sales team is to equip them with essential training resources and make training as accessible as possible. If sales teams are given the flexibility and freedom to learn on their own time (and from any location), they will be able to engage with prospects more effectively.
Want to see how the ExpertusONE LMS can empower effective sales enablement? Contact us for a demo.