Here’s How a Digital LMS Platform Can Help Employees Love Their Jobs

In the great race to attract and retain talent, companies must understand what employees are looking for in their job experiences. The pandemic certainly changed what employees value across the board. Not only are more employees interested in flexible working options (like remote or hybrid schedules) thanks to the pandemic, but they also want to take part in jobs that they enjoy and that give them a future to look forward to in their careers.

Creating a positive employee experience is essential for companies that want to thrive and grow because employees are, after all, the people who help companies achieve their goals.

This is all well and good advice, and, for the most part, leaders do want to create positive employee experiences. Many are divided about the practical application of this goal—what changes must you make to create a positive experience for employees? It’s a multifaceted process that requires a combination of initiatives, like employee benefits, good managers, and a community of good people to work with. But there’s more to the employee experience than just a set of benefits. Companies can invest in everyday digital tools that support the employee experience, boost retention rates, and impact the bottom line.

Five reasons to implement a digital LMS platform for employees

Five reasons companies should be implementing LMS software for employees include:

  1. Improved training and development: An LMS (Learning Management System) allows for the creation and delivery of online training and development programs to employees, which can improve their skills and knowledge.
  2. Increased efficiency: A digital LMS platform can streamline the training and development process by providing easy access to training materials and tracking employee progress. This can save time and resources for the organization.
  3. Better tracking and reporting: An LMS can track and report on employee progress, which can provide insight into areas where employees may need additional training or support.
  4. Greater flexibility: A digital LMS platform allows employees to access training and development materials on-demand and at their own pace, which can be more convenient and flexible than traditional in-person training.
  5. Cost savings: An LMS can reduce the cost of training and development by eliminating the need for travel, materials, and other expenses associated with traditional training methods.

Learning is the first place to start, and, to be fair, it’s our area of expertise. With a digital LMS platform, companies can support employees by offering courses that help team members explore their careers and expand their knowledge in the industry.

Here are five key ways a digital LMS platform benefits employees.

1. AI creates personalized employee learning experiences

Customization is the key to crafting an exceptional experience in 2022. This idea applies across marketing, advertising, sales, and even customer relations—people want personalization. In the corporate learning and development world, personalized learning experiences give learners more reasons to interact with the content. However, it would take hours upon hours for training managers to create a customized learning experience for each employee. Imagine the work that would go into selecting each course based on the employee’s interests, job description, courses they’ve already taken, and the courses their peers are taking.

That’s where AI comes into play. Thanks to machine learning and technological innovation, personalization on a digital LMS platform is not a cumbersome task but an automated process. When using ExpertusONE’s learning management platform, learners are provided with customized employee training recommendations based on their interests. AI makes these recommendations based on the learner’s job description, compliance courses they’ve been assigned, their personal interests, and the courses their peers are taking.

Related post: Steps to a Digital Learning Strategy That Boosts Engagement, Retention, and Compliance

2. Clear course expectations and goals help employees ensure compliance

Whether in a remote or hybrid work environment, ensuring job performance is a frequent concern of both employees and managers. For employees, unclear expectations about work goals or job performance can cause anxiety. For managers, unclear expectations and goals make it nearly impossible to measure any sort of growth and report that growth to leadership. With ExpertusONE’s digital LMS platform, employees can easily track their own progress on compliance training assignments and ensure that they are meeting expectations. Similarly, managers can assign courses and follow up with employees to ensure compliance.

For companies operating in remote work environments, communication can feel siloed and unclear. Most companies use multiple tech platforms to communicate with employees, track project progress, and measure things like compliance or KPIs. This is a lot for employees to keep track of and for managers to follow up on. If you’re in the market for a digital LMS platform, look for one that offers as many integrated LMS features as possible and makes communication between employees, managers, and learning development teams straightforward and simple. Find a platform that can integrate with commonly used workplace tools as well so that the communication experience (specifically as it relates to learning) is clear.

Even further, with integrated gamification features, companies can promote healthy competition among team members to facilitate better engagement. ExpertusONE’s LMS gamification features include leaderboards, badges, and a point system—all of which make the learning experience a little more engaging by providing a competitive edge. This is a great way to encourage employees to engage with training and, ultimately, get rewarded for the effort they put into furthering their knowledge.

Studies have shown that many employees leave their jobs because they do not feel appreciated at work or that they are part of a community. With a clear set of expectations and goals, thanks to the format of the digital LMS platform, employees can feel confident that their hard work will be measured, recognized, and rewarded.

3. Self-paced learning provides a more flexible learning experience

An LMS that allows employees to progress through training and development materials at their own pace can provide a more flexible and personalized learning experience. This can be beneficial for employees who have different learning styles or need to balance work and personal responsibilities. With ExpertusONE’s mobile LMS app, employees can access training and development materials on the go, which can increase accessibility and flexibility. This can be particularly beneficial for employees who are frequently traveling or working remotely.

4. Integrated communication and collaboration promotes engagement

With ExpertusONE’s enterprise LMS platform, managers can track compliance and follow up with employees from within the application. A straightforward button next to the employee’s course progress prompts a manager to send a follow-up email or message from a pre-written template, making compliance tracking even easier. The platform also integrates with commonly used workplace tools like Slack, Salesforce, and Microsoft Teams so that employees can complete training from the apps that they already use daily.

The more integrations and features an LMS platform offers, the easier it is to customize it to your company’s needs. If you have thousands of team members but still want to create a personalized experience, AI can drive that objective. ExpertusONE’s digital LMS platform also offers video conferencing within the application so that team members can ask questions or get clarification about course assignments immediately, without having to schedule a call on a separate platform.

5. Powerful reporting and analytics help improve training effectiveness and value for employees

An LMS that provides detailed LMS reporting and analytics and can allow employees to see their progress and measure their progress and progress relative to peers, can help to identify areas where they need additional support and provide them with more insights about their strengths, weaknesses and help them to improve their skills. LMS reporting can help employees learn more effectively and efficiently and give employees more control over their own learning experience.

Here’s the key to engagement: make it easy for employees to do their work, communicate with their team, and measure their progress. A digital LMS platform can help your company empower employees and facilitate engagement. The problem that causes most employees to hate their jobs is, at its core, a lack of engagement. Dysfunctional workplaces cause engagement to slow or halt altogether. Confusing communication and notification overload can cause employees to want to check out from the work environment. Working in an impersonal, disconnected environment can make employees feel like they are just a cog in the machine.

Related post:5 Reasons Why a Digital LMS Platform Is Key to Employee Engagement in the New Year

Implementing a digital LMS software—one that offers personalization, helps employees track goals, and promotes clear communication—is a practical step your company can take to help your employees love their jobs. Creating a positive workplace environment requires two things: the right mindset and the right tools. Employees left their companies in droves last year, citing dissatisfaction and a lack of engagement at work. It’s time for companies to step up and create better experiences for their team members, using the tools that support employees in their everyday work. It’s time to make a practical change in your learning and development strategy so that your employees see how your company wants to invest in their success.

Employees are looking for personalized experiences, clear expectations and goals, and streamlined communication in their jobs. This helps them feel like their company empowers them to succeed. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company that sets its team members up for success?

Interested in a demo of our digital LMS platform? Contact us today, and we can help you see how the right learning management system will help your employees love their jobs.