Why a Digital LMS Creates Better Employee Experiences

Studies show that employees want to feel engaged with their work and like they belong at a company. Unfortunately, many employers don’t know how to create a workplace environment that caters to the employee’s desired experience. This is even more true as companies grapple with hybrid and remote work challenges and a new frontier in office life.   

According to McKinsey & Company, more than 19 million U.S. workers have quit their jobs since April 2021. That number is still on the rise. The reason behind this phenomenon is that businesses don’t understand the needs of their workers and have relied on quick fixes like financial perks to stabilize their retention rates. However, these fixes don’t address the root of the problem or explain why employees want to leave.

The truth is that many employees are now looking for the human aspect of their occupation. The same McKinsey study showed that employees want to feel engaged with work, they want a sense of belonging, and they want to see opportunities for the future of their careers.

Businesses can turn their work environments from transactional to relationship-oriented by demonstrating a willingness to invest in their employees. Practically speaking, this can happen through employee training and learning and development initiatives. Companies should invest in digital LMS tools that can facilitate growth and learning, offer practical courses, and add value to the employee experience.

Engagement and interaction keep employees feeling like a fundamental part of the team, and companies can facilitate this through their tech stack. Employee training is a practical area of work where companies can invest in employees, develop workplace culture, and provide opportunities for upskilling. Wherever you are in your employee training strategy, these three tech priorities can facilitate better employee experiences and encourage employee retention.

Related post: Embrace “The New Normal” in Employee Training with a Collaborative, Accessible, and Personalized LMS Platform

Use Interactive Digital LMS Tools to Facilitate Engagement 

It is no mystery that employees want to feel engaged and included at their workplace. Companies can prioritize meaningful connections by facilitating engagement despite the different locations their remote and hybrid employees may operate from. The biggest challenge is methodology, the practical side of cultivating the necessary experience employees need. ExpertusONE demonstrates how companies can promote engagement practically: with interactive training courses that utilize new techniques with modern digital LMS technology to create a collaborative and exciting learning environment.

ExpertusONE’s Interaction Studio makes it easier to rapidly develop content and raise the learning impact, which drives learner interactivity. This platform was designed to keep its viewers interested and increase the learning program impact for better retention through an immersive experience and engaging elearning content. When developing a training course, companies can add quizzes, polls, and video content to keep employees engaged. The platform also offers integrated video conferencing capabilities that make it easier for employees and managers to communicate about courses at the moment, instead of going outside of the course to ask questions or discuss the content.

The platform also offers LMS gamification capabilities, like the point and badge recognition system that rewards rising stars and learning leaders across your organization. This feature allows learners to earn rewards for collaboration and compliance and implements the ability to compare their performance with colleagues. With top category rankings displayed on homepage leaderboards for organization-wide recognition, learners can connect with their peers and even facilitate healthy competition. Integrated social learning makes it easier to motivate, discuss, and share through the platform.

AI Corporate Training Personalizes the Learning Experience

Employees and professionals in general always seek to find ways to take their work to the next level. So, ExpertusONE uses AI in corporate training to provide an opportunity to maximize training potential and engage employees. With every use, AI gets smarter and feeds employees more relevant content to upskill their existing expertise or boost what they have just learned. AI recommendations can lead to additional courses, such as leadership and certification courses, that go beyond the basic requirements. Companies can rely on artificial intelligence to cultivate their employees’ interest in corporate training, upskilling, and personal development resources, giving them more ways to widen their professional scope and advance in their field.

In addition to personal development, artificial intelligence-based recommendations can inspire healthy competition and exponential growth for the company under the right circumstances. Healthy competition is the key to success in any business and allows employees to flourish in their own way. If multiple employees in the same department take similar courses, exchanging new information and strategies can flow smoother and more quickly because of their shared knowledge.

Related post: Employees Not Completing Training Courses? AI Is the Next-Gen Solution Boosting Engagement

Implementing AI-based learning management creates an environment that supports and encourages learners. With AI technology, employee training initiatives are immediately supported with recommendations for further learning. AI-driven systems even relieve some of the responsibilities from training managers by automating the process of managing employees’ tasks. Freeing up space to spend more time on more complex or critical projects enables a thriving learning ecosystem where time and resources are appropriately allocated.

Digital LMS supports corporate learning and development strategy

Companies can creatively utilize an interactive LMS platform to offer wellness courses, leadership training, or specialized certifications rather than the regular, monotonous onboarding courses that are required. With the simplicity of ExpertusONE’s platforms, you can deliver a learning experience that’s as engaging as Facebook, as immediate as Twitter, and as relevant as Google. Your team will be even more interested in learning new skills when you provide multiple options for your employees to learn the way they want.

Even by customizing the workplace experience, employees still want to know that they are taking steps toward the next level in their careers. That is why the interactive methodology of platforms such as Interaction Studio and AI-driven systems offer opportunities for certifications, continued education, and direct pathways through their learning tools. Employees can even map out the steps that it takes for an employee to move up the corporate ladder using these enterprise training courses. The more employees know about the opportunities that await them in your company’s future, the more reason they have to stay and explore their options within the company.

Investing in your employees’ well-being and the future of their careers shows that you care for them as people and do not see them as expendable. The best LMS platforms offer what employees want most: opportunities to reskill and upskill, flexibility in how and what they learn, and the feeling that their company wants to support their professional growth. To generate the best results for both your company and your employees, you must foster an attractive and collaborative culture. A digital LMS system like ExpertusONE can provide those results.

Listen and observe your employees’ needs, and you will increase retention rates and cultivate a happier workplace. Many employers neglect the personal element of the workplace, instead of throwing more money or benefits at employees without looking at the way company culture is impacting their workplace satisfaction. A unique and supportive employee experience—cultivated by engaging training, collaborative learning environments, and personalized job and career development—can transform how a company operates.

ExpertusONE simplifies and elevates employee engagement through immersive LMS tools and innovative performance. By deploying empathy, compassion, and communication, you can maintain your employee retention and cultivate an employee experience that will keep them coming back.