Employees Not Completing Training Courses? AI Is the Next-Gen Solution Boosting Engagement

When many people think of artificial intelligence, they think of futuristic tools that have no relevance to everyday life—perhaps robots or exceptionally smart computers. But artificial intelligence has already become a huge part of how we live and work today because it has been used to automate the processes we forget about. When you’re shopping online, recommendations you’re served for other products are likely managed by AI software. Manufacturers and large-scale companies use artificial intelligence to manage inventory, predict needs, and plan for the future.

While they may not seem like the next frontier for technological transformation, learning management systems have become more sophisticated, more impactful, and more intelligent through the use of AI.

Legacy LMS platforms aren’t cutting it because they have not adapted to the tech needs of the modern company. However, AI-based training tools put companies multiple steps ahead in the learning game and can streamline corporate learning initiatives.

AI takes the guesswork out of creating engaging content and makes it possible to cultivate enthusiasm for learning among employees, sales teams, partners, and customers. 

The ExpertusONE learning management system offers integrated AI tools that provide personalized course recommendations for employees. Companies can rely on artificial intelligence to cultivate their employees’ interest in corporate training, upskilling, and personal development resources. Here are four training initiatives you can take with ExpertusONE’s AI tools.

Offer Resources for Certifications and Upskilling

If you’re struggling to get your employees to engage with training content, it’s time to re-evaluate your course catalog. Many companies limit their course offerings to required training, whether it’s HR-driven safety and security training or required certifications for specific roles. If this is the case for your company, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to maximize your training potential and engage your employees. It’s unsurprising that your employees are not engaged if you’re only offering required courses.

With ExpertusONE’s LMS platform, companies can create a variety of courses from certifications and HR-required classes to content about healthy habits, working from home, or reskilling in their fields. 

Untapped potential is abundant in this area of employee training. Companies can promote engagement and empower their employees by offering a wider variety of courses. Artificial intelligence comes into play as the ExpertusONE learning management system feeds recommendations to each employee, based on their unique interests. 

Boost Engagement With Personalized Suggestions

Artificial intelligence on an enterprise LMS looks similar to artificial intelligence in shopping. When you are purchasing from an online retailer like Amazon, the website feeds you product recommendations based on data they have collected about you. You might see a product listed because others who looked at one product also purchased this recommended option. If you’ve been browsing in a specific category, perhaps for home improvement tools or school supplies, you’re likely to see the recommendations bar populated with similar products.

LMS training can do this too.

A member of your sales team might log into the LMS to take a required certification course, perhaps for a new product or software, they’ll be selling. When they complete the training, AI will recommend similar courses that can enhance what the employee just learned. If there are multiple people at your company with the same title as that sales team member, artificial intelligence can also feed course suggestions based on what their peers are taking. 

With every use, AI gets smarter and feeds employees more relevant content. Perhaps you have a team member who is working from home but struggling with the distractions of digital tools (like constant Slack notifications or desktop alerts related to other projects). Companies can encourage personal growth and further learning by offering productivity-related employee training, or informational courses to help employees manage remote working more successfully. Employees will engage with content they are truly interested in and upskill in the ways they feel are relevant to their lifestyles or career goals—all because of artificial intelligence.

AI and LMS Gamification Encourage Competition Among Employees

Business leaders understand this: competitiveness is key to obtaining market share. Thoughtful employee training tools provide an excellent forum for cultivating competitiveness among employees, so everyone is prompted to present their highest quality of work and expand their skills. 

In the same way that artificial intelligence can offer personalized employee training opportunities for each employee, it can also provide a road map for success. Each team member can see the courses that their peers are taking and choose to upskill and grow, to stay competitive within their departments and within the company.

Due to the artificial intelligence-based recommendations, employees are given a clear direction for success and growth. Healthy competition between employees promotes engagement and gives employees something to talk about. When multiple employees in the same department take the same course, they can implement new ideas or strategies more easily because they share the same knowledge.

Competition and growth are only further encouraged by ExpertusONE’s LMS gamification elements. Within the platform, employees are celebrated for their training successes and given visibility when they complete a learning objective. Leaderboards provide recognition across the organization, prompting employees (once again) to engage with the available training tools.

Related Post: The Future Of Corporate Learning Rests On This Type Of Tool: App-Based LMS

Reduce Management Time With AI

When companies invest in smarter technology, especially AI-driven systems, it frees up employees to spend time on more complex or critical projects instead of management or menial tasks. Employee training initiatives are automatically supported by the artificial intelligence technology because employees are fed with recommendations, opportunities for further learning are automatically sent over, and leaderboards are updated continuously. 

Artificial intelligence also supports the overall goal of promoting engagement because it frees up training leaders to spend their time writing and creating engaging content, instead of managing which courses are recommended for which employees (or whether or not employees have completed their tasks). This enables a thriving learning ecosystem where time and resources are allocated properly. 

Implementing AI-based learning management creates a cycle that supports and encourages learners. First, AI-based learning management frees up creative thinkers and training leaders to create better content. The higher-quality content engages employees and improves course retention and completion. Then, course completion prompts artificial intelligence to send more personalized courses to the employee, which starts the cycle over once again.

This post-pandemic era is a critical moment for companies, especially as many leaders are considering the challenges and benefits of remote and hybrid workforces. It’s time for companies to invest in the technology tools that can support a variety of work styles so that companies can support their employees, and employees can do their best work. Artificial intelligence is the next frontier in LMS, and as more companies adopt these tools, we will see employee retention and engagement grow.

Artificial intelligence in LMS offers exactly what employees are looking for: opportunities to reskill and upskill, flexibility in how and what they learn, and the sense that their company wants to support their professional growth. Whether employee training systems are used for onboarding or personal development courses, companies are investing in their team members in a way that will yield growth for every party involved. Companies can attain a greater market share and assert themselves as leaders in the industry by investing in employees, providing them with the tools to stay competitive in the industry, and fostering a culture of learning that supports growth and change.