More than 80 percent of pilot learning program participants report a significant improvement in overall training readiness

Santa Clara, CA – August 1, 2012Expertus, a global provider of next-gen, cloud-based learning systems and strategies, today announced the results from its ExpertusONE™ LMS Big Brothers Big Sisters pilot program.

The first stage in a three-year contract to provide learning management technology and services to 630,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters employees, volunteer mentors, mentees and families nationwide, found 84 percent of program learning participants reported a substantial improvement in their training readiness.

“We are very pleased to bring a comprehensive, robust, cutting-edge learning platform to the Big Brothers Big Sisters network,” John Kulikowski, Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Director of Learning and Development, said. “Together with staff support, ExpertusONE (rebranded internally as “Impact U”) enables our mentors to strengthen their relationships with their mentees and increase the impact that leads to the mentees’ future achievement. This is why Impact U has been an incredible success thus far.”

ExpertusONE provides Big Brothers Big Sisters’ staffers, volunteers and families with an easy-to-use and access, dynamic learning platform for real-time, safe, online training – and enables them to: save time and resources; easily track and measure learning progress and certifications; and gain access across hundreds of training courses, webinars and documents.

“All told, ExpertusONE superiorly equips Big Brothers Big Sisters’ volunteers and employees with the skills they need to provide state-of-the-art volunteer mentoring services,” Mohana Radhakrishnan, Expertus’ Vice President of Client Services, said.

More than 7,000 employees and volunteers from 90 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies have taken or will take training in ExpertusONE by year’s end. The national non-profit predicts its inaugural participants’ learning will impact more than 250,000 affiliates in 2012 alone.

ExpertusONE is an entirely new breed of LMS – one that’s based on cloud and Web 2.0 technologies and built with learners and performance in mind. By employing the principles of heuristic design, ExpertusONE surpasses the limitations of traditional LMSs and provides a far more intuitive and responsive learning experience. An experience that’s as engaging as Facebook, as immediate as Twitter and as relevant as Google.

“By leveraging the collaborative nature of the cloud and embracing today’s social and mobile technologies, ExpertusONE is the only LMS that fully connects and engages all of an organization’s internal and external learning audiences,” Ramesh Ramani, Expertus’ CEO, said. “This is precisely why our new-gen learning platform is such an excellent fit for
Big Brothers Big Sisters’ ever-evolving learning needs.”

Kulikowski agreed, “Exemplary, professional training of all of our staff and participants is critical to ensuring our mentoring matches are safe, strong and enduring and lead to the outcomes that are unique to Big Brothers Big Sisters – educational, behavioral and socio-emotional improvements. ExpertusONE, along with our traditional match support,
makes this possible.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters selected ExpertusONE because of its unified learning environment that integrates formal, informal and social learning for a more comprehensive and immersive experience. ExpertusONE now provides Big Brothers Big Sisters’ employees and volunteers 24/7 online access to: increased learning content, social learning and collaboration tools, best training practice forums, standardized certification programs and robust analytics and
reporting capabilities.

“Although it’s early in our platform’s rollout, the advanced learning features and functionality provided by ExpertusONE seem to be a big improvement,” Charles Pierson, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America’s President and CEO, concluded. “We look forward to further compiling and analyzing the system’s results, and extending Impact U organization-wide.”

About Big Brothers Big Sisters

For more than 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As the nation’s largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters’ mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. Partnering with parents/guardians, schools, corporations and others in the community, Big Brothers Big Sisters carefully pairs children (“Littles”) with screened volunteer mentors (“Bigs”) and monitors and supports them in one-to-one mentoring matches throughout their course. The organization holds itself accountable for children in the program to achieve measurable outcomes, such as higher
aspirations; greater confidence and better relationships; educational success; and avoidance of delinquency and other risky behaviors. Most children served by Big Brothers Big Sisters are in single-parent and low-income families or households where a parent is incarcerated. Headquartered in Philadelphia with a network of about 360 agencies across the country, Big Brothers Big Sisters serves nearly 630,000 children, volunteer mentors and families. Learn how you can positively impact a child’s life, donate or volunteer at

About Expertus and ExpertusONE

Expertus delivers next-gen, cloud-based learning management system technology that represents a whole new way of thinking when it comes to learning.

The ExpertusONE Dynamic Learning Platform enables organizations to facilitate a far more effective and responsive approach to learning by leveraging the fundamentally collaborative nature of the cloud, embracing the social technologies of today’s highly connected world and leaving the complexities of legacy LMSs behind. The result is greater
business performance, at a lower total cost of ownership.

Based in Silicon Valley, Expertus serves customers from offices in the US, UK and India, and provides a full range of cloud adoption services to ensure smooth transitions from legacy systems, rapid technology deployment and sustained learning success.

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